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For Legal Professionals

Caselaw Update of Iowa Appellate Court Juvenile Law Decisions

Iowa Case Law Update

Attorneys at the Youth Law Center partner with the Honorable Judge Brent Pattison to provide a caselaw update a various continuing legal education trainings across the state.  Here is the update that was prepared for the Iowa State Bar Association Juvenile Law Training on April 13, 2023 along with two conversion charts to compare the code sections to adjudicate children in need of assistance (CINA) in child welfare cases and grounds to terminate parents' rights in Iowa Code Chapter 232.


  • These are cases from January 2022 and January 2023 that Judge Pattison and Youth Law Center staff found to be either factually or legally significate or interesting. All juvenile law practitioners should not rely upon this update, but their own legal research.

  • This is a chart detailing the grounds found in Iowa Code Chapter 232 to adjudicate children as "Children in Need of Assistance" prior to and after the July 1, 2022 legislative changes to chapter 232.

  • This is a chart detailing the grounds found in Iowa Code Chapter 232 to terminate a parent's parental rights prior to and after the July 1, 2022 legislative changes to chapter 232.

Thank you to our generous supporters of the Youth Law Center

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