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Infant Toddler Court Program

Infant Toddler Court Program

This is an approach brought to Polk County in 2005 by the Honorable Judge Constance Cohen. The goal of the Infant Toddler Court Program (ITCP) is to ensure the needs of court involved children ages zero to three are met. It is a team approach where the attorneys and department and direct service providers collaborate to help ensure the child’s and parent’s emotional and physical needs are met. A key component is to help parents understand how their trauma history impacts their parenting abilities. Using trauma-informed interventions such as Child Parent Psychotherapy not only helps improve a child’s attachment to their parents but aids in successful reunification. For more information: Zero to Three 

We advocate on behalf of children in Central Iowa to improve their well-being through policy work, collaboration with community partners and in the courtroom.

Thank you to our generous supporters of the Youth Law Center

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