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Who We Are

Youth Law Center Staff

TJ Butts, LBSW

TJ has been a caseworker at YLC since October of 2002.  TJ graduated from college in 1994 with a degree in Psychology.  TJ started her career in human services working with adults in a Supported Community Living program. In 1996 after gaining work experience, TJ was hired as a Residential Coordinator at a Domestic Violence Shelter.  After her time at the DV Shelter, TJ was employed at two human service agencies.  Her duties at these agencies included working directly with children and families providing skill building services, giving parenting feedback and supervising families during visits, referring families to community resources and providing assessment services to help find appropriate placements for children removed from their parents.   TJ has a Licensed Bachelor of Social Work and does annual trainings and continued education in the social work/human services field to keep her license. 

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