The 2024 Adoption Day Celebration will be on Friday, November 22, 2024 starting at 9:00 AM. It will be held on the second floor of the Polk County Justice Center (222 5th Avenue, Des Moines, IA).
Adoption Day celebrates children legally becoming a part of their forever family.
Judges, court staff, court reporters, social workers, attorneys, and volunteers work together to make Adoption Day a safe, fun and happy event for children and families. The second floor of the Justice Center is transformed into a family friendly environment with gifts for the adoptive families, refreshments and activities for the whole family.
To participate in Adoption Day:
- All home studies have been completed and approved.
- The child being adopted has resided in your home for at least 180 days.
- Contact your HHS Adoption Worker and request to participate in Adoption Day and discuss next steps.
- Contact your adoption attorney and let them know you wish to participate in Adoption Day
- Invite your family and friends.
The filing deadline for families who wish to finalize their adoptions at Adoption Day is November 8, 2024. Find an Adoption Attorney.
Adoption professionals will be available to answer any questions about being a foster and adoptive parent, including post-adoption support services available through the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services. To learn more about becoming a foster-adoptive parent in Iowa, please visit: Iowa Foster Care & Adoptive Family Connections-Post Adoptive and Permanency Support